• If not you, who?

    Tools & Training for Guarding The Planet



    The Agenda is to get rid of the Agenda.

    To Enter in the HERE and NOW.

    The PRESENT is too small for any story.

    Slip through the gaps of what's REAL.

    This is your Nature. UNDEFINABLE.

  • Why Would You Play The Planetary Guardians Game?

    Planetary Guardians tools and maps provides a way to reformat your mind to connect with others to collaborate together in the context of shared values.


    What Gameworlds are you choosing to play? Are you unknowling giving your life force to a parasitic force?


    Only you can choose to play a game that you want to play. Nobody can choose for you.

    Tools & Maps Empower You To Create Change

    Planetary Guardians has been the hub for discovering maps that allow human consciousness to gain clarity about the nature of the world where we live, therefor creating the platform for consciousness to move to the next unexplored territory while having a reference point of where it came from.


    When the shape of your being changes, the world around you also changes. These maps change the shape of your being by creating clarity where before there was con-fusion.

  • The Guardians & Trainers


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    Elijah Ignatief

    Originator, Multidimensional Cartography Wizard

    For the last 28 years Elijah has been documenting and taking a stand for the protection and guardianship of planet Earth through the creation of videos mercilessly uploaded to Conscious Communication Youtube Channel, building a community and team of Planetary Guardians on Facebook Community Page and in person encounters, and creating digital tools for team organization and magic like Choose a Remedy.


    Read more about Elijah. (Elijah's Website?)

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    Brook Bellomy

    Synergizer Mystic Pirate Queen

    Brook has dedicated her life to empower and synergize the Planetary Guardians gameworld with her mystical presence. She has an active role in the locations where environmental injustice is taking place, like at the movement at Fairy Creek to Save The Old Growth Forest.


    Watch Brook on this video: How to choose to live through the heart

    Brook's profile on FB

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    Jorge Pedret

    Antagonist Evolutionary Agent

    Jorge encountered the Planetary Guardians gameworld in 2018 at an Ecovillage in an island of the Pacific Northwest Coast ordinarily known as Vancouver Island, where his attempts for collaboration started immediately and his passion to connect with Elijah to add value to this never seen before gameworld that is taking a stand for the planet where we live in a fun, interactive, real, collaborative ways.


    Jorge is a nomadic Gameworld Builder, collaborating in the Culture Caravan to create regenerative cultures that create value for Gaia. Jorge is taking a stand for creating Gaian Gameworlds that make the existing patriarchal capitalist hierarchical Gameworlds obsolete.


    Jorge's Website

    Archiarchal Music

    Next Culture Nomads

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    Jordin Stallman

    Transformational Percolator Shapeshifter

    Jordin has been apprenticing with Elijah and collaborating in the evolution of Planetary Guardian core tools and processes. His input has created a crack in the gameworld where newness, presence, mystery sips in and infuses the space with espontaneity, unknown, authenticity and vulnerability.


    Jordin's profile on FB

    Jordin's video sharing breakthroughs with Elijah

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    Kyle Elliot Kilgour

    Naturalist & Intimacy Journeyer

    Kyle's approach to collaborating with the Planetary Guardians gameworld is immersive, dedicated and inquisitive. He reached out to Elijah with a wish to learn about magic, collaboration and communication, team building, activating your super powers. He has provided a space for the Gameworld to have a platform to evolve to the next level, and exposing the ways in which it works and doesn't work.

    Now he's acting as a rogue agent of Planetary Guardians, nobody knows where he is, and he is likely working as an agent of transformation and evolution towards a more intimate, loving and authentic way of living.


    Kyle's profile on FB

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